Maybe if the good folks at Blizz would listen to ME once in awhile, and not throw out all that lawyer-y crap they do, protecting copyrights and blah blah blah, they would notice this little blondie has a few good ideas...for example, why not give others the gift of buffs, too?
Hunters would love to throw out their "Carnivorous Appetite" buff on all, allowing friendly players to gain 10% more damage on attack power. Bling! Bite! Insignia taken - boo-yah!
Rogues would buff one and all with the "Oliver Twisted" pick-pocket ability for 60 minutes...good for us toons who get a little short on gold from upping our professions...
Myself, I would like the "Bandaid Buff," or the power to decrease health loss, create happiness and boo-boo kisses when a fellow player is feeling insecure, or if I get a "WTF MATAO?!?!" in a dungeon. /cry (I deserved it - suffering from dungeon fatigue, I made some bad choices one instance). Just a little sompim' sompim' to make it all better. Warrior feeling nerfed? Bandaid. Death Knight all emo? Bandaid. Hunter losing focus? You get the idea.

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