Friday, September 30, 2011

That's just like, your opinion man.

 Someone's Original Artwork for Which I Cannot Find the Reference

Haven't been playing Luperci much lately. Was kind of saving myself for tonight: a guildmate scheduled painless Zul runs, because still being in PUGs with those can hurt. Besides, I need loot redemption for those damned plate shoulders I passed on last time by mistake. (*Bangs head on desk, doesn't see red Swingline stapler and it leaves a mark.*)

GM basically implied the other day I am too nice to tank. He is not. 

I am not sure the superlative 'nicest tank ever' applies to me, but perhaps lack of confidence does. So, I'll get back in there, and do my best. And try to get those shoulders: stronger ones might help me hold up those standing on them better.

Postscript: Situation: Cranky dwarf with a chip on his shoulder over his brewing techniques feels slighted. Luperci goes in there everyday to have a chat. Does fine. No one has ever died. Until this morning. Druid dies immediately. Then everyone struggles - and the priest dies next. I barely hang on and have to use LOH on COREN DIREBREW.
I don't know. Beats the sh*t out of me.

Apparently, this is an opportunity for the healer to criticize my tanking skills. "Tank didn't have on righteous fury." (I did. Didn't I? Did the buff drop off the second I went in there? Second guessing and self-doubt: worse than bosses.) Crixa still has issues.
That's right nimrods and numbnuts: I saved the day. You're welcome.

 Oh well. My shield is going to start to reflect back to you players. I honestly do not care if a DPS dies. It happens. You pull the baddies to you, think you can take them all on, and then wonder why you...can't. There are some solid reasons why there are roles, delegated responsibilities. We don't care if our DPS is highest--we are your shoulders to stand on and rock. Needed a little redemption after this, and sure enough, did great. Coren got that chipped knocked off of him in no time flat, no muss, no fuss.

On the plus side, Matty did win the Swift Ram! 
Comes with cup holders.


  1. In all likelihood, the healer was right. Righteous Fury probably got knocked off, and forgot to rebuff. Like getting in the car after someone else and fixing the seat, radio station, and sideview mirrors. No wonder why we crashed the first time.

  2. Anonymous5.10.11

    My intended implication was not that you have intrinsically flawed character but rather that your choice to "turn the other cheek" was robbing you of the fun that comes with having scarcity power in the market.

  3. Oh, my esteemed mentor...I am going to needlepoint that on a throw pillow.


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