Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Writer's Block.

I realize I failed on the National Write A Novel in a month challenge last month, but in my defense, my current real life situation only allows the sprints of writing, not the marathons. Someday, someday. I created a Page on this blog as a place to capture the fiction I write, so check it out when you get a chance.

Understand, I am not a great editor or proofreader of my own work. I sometimes write sporadically and impulsively. I may not have fleshed out the greatest character development or captivating plot lines. Please do not judge; however, if you ever have a critique of my writing, I wholly welcome it, in fact, encourage it.  I will always answer with a simple "thank you," and then choose to alter or not as I choose, just as I would expect and encourage anyone who is trying to put something creative out there in the ether.

I have been sketching out another short little story for about two weeks or so now, and am a little stuck. Always love my beginnings. Every day should start off with a "Once Upon A Time" in my opinion.

Postscript: Just re-read Chapter 5 of Blackberry Winter. Like enjoying my own cooking, that's not too bad!


  1. Anonymous15.12.11

    Oh! Stories and Drabbles wasn't there before, was it? This is wonderful, thank you. /cast Cup of Hot Chocolate.

    I now have a reading list for my iPad that I can read in the evenings while my husband watches Hitler make his way through Europe yet another time.

  2. Cheers to you! I'll add some fresh whipped cream and French caramel, if you'd like, too!

    I am sincere in that I would love any critiques you have. Writing is fun, but done too long in a vacuum, I start to lose oxygen.

    I have had blogs before, and since I started this one for pure selfish fun, I didn't pay too much attention to its interface/design. I think over the holidays I'll give it a rennovation. But not before I clean out a junk drawer or two. 'Tis the season to have shards of glitter in the eyes and pine needle punctures.

  3. Postcript: Does your husband know how it ends? :)


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