Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mother Nature's Daughter, all the same...

Well, Luperci did not bring home the trophy for September's Neri Approves transmog contest.

The Blood Elf did.


Moving on - still really like what Luperci put together. But more importantly, I like to bring awareness to the Born That Way Foundation.  Though I had heard about it, I was prompted to donate by a tweet of Lodur's:

I am telling you truth: I know teenagers and adults who have been affected, and died, as a direct result of bullying and harrassment over who they fundamentally are. I am waiting for the day when it's a nonissue. We have other things to worry about than who someone chooses to love.

And Jill - for whatever reasons you chose almost thirty years ago, I wish you had stuck around to see how much things have changed, and how you could have helped. Maybe somehow you are.

Theme Song: Born This Way/Lady Gaga


  1. Anonymous1.10.12

    Cancer and bullying are the two things that are most likely to affect the average person in some way (be it directly or indirectly). Yet, the one we have more control over we don't fight nearly as hard far. I wish I knew what that was.

    Oh, and another great Anti-Bullying song is Make It Stop by Rise Against.

    1. Thanks JD! Very keen insight


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