Saturday, September 8, 2012

Watchdogs of Azeroth

Nice doggy, nice doggy....

Recently in my email blog feed, Matticus is asking for our help. Help?! Lassie, is Timmy stuck in the well again?! How can I be of service? Do I bring a fire hose or a life vest?! I AM SO THERE!

*cough* Excuse me - I get a little overexcited. Anyway, the gist is, he is looking for great blog links in various categories. The ego in me thought, "Well, gee, Matty, your blog has a few readers, but what genre is it? Does it help anyone? Does it provide tactical advice or strategies? Does it help the good citizens of Azeroth make gold or shinies?" No. Alas, it does none of those things.

But then I considered the other blogs I frequent, and what we do tend to write about: We are the Watchers. We write many different things and many different topics, but overall, we write about life, "real" virtual life in Azeroth, and how it crosses the threshold from flesh and blood to pixel and particle. We are the ones who notice when things go wonky, we write our wishes for the game, our triumphs, our tragedies, our complaints, and in general, I swear if Blizzard ever once just followed the cache of blogs I am going to mention, it would be a beautiful World of Warcraft indeed. If I forget to link anyone it is not because I don't think you're not worthy -- I am attempting some semblance of genre classifcation. (I would add Manalicious, and Red Cow Rise, and then basically just look at my blogroll!)

These are the bloggers I consider Watchdogs:

Tome of the Ancient
The Daily Frostwolf
Amateur Azerothian
Big Bear Butt
Harpy's Nest
Confessions of a Grown Up Gamer
Ironyca Stood in the Fire
Tree Heals Go Woosh

We are conscious of unfair game play, of asshats, of heroes, and of our own foibles and follies. And we report it. 

Again, if you look at my blogroll is it chock-full of amazing writers. Some have a heavy slant towards transmogrification (another category to consider, Matticus), and some are biased toward character development.

If you think of any others that come under the category of "Azeroth Neighborhood Watch" please comment away!


  1. Oh! Thank you Matty! I have long thought about the fact that I'd have no idea what category to classify my blog. I'm not particularly helpful, certainly not knowledgeable about anything useful but I AM a people of Azeroth watcher!

    I love that! and you know me, being a watch DOG makes it even better!

    1. It just hit me that that is exactly what we do--and if someone we love shouts, "Release the hounds!" we're there! We are loyal, trustworthy, and all good dog things!

  2. This so made my day. Matty, you rock! I love the idea of being a watchdog!

    1. Excellent! Your comment made me very happy - thanks Chris!

  3. Anonymous8.9.12

    This is so flattering, and like the two others here, I love that expression and was thinking while I read it "I can be a watchdog, I can bark". Thank you for this sweet post :D

    1. Yay! Thanks Ironyca! I really appreciate it, from the heart!

  4. I couldn't wait to get out of bed with the kids so I could reply properly!
    Woof woof woof!
    I'm really excited and flattered you think of me that way and putting ME in the same category as all those awesome people! Thank you so much!

    1. Hey, if not for us, the World would be greatly diminished and compromised, and this cannot stand. I so value those of you who keep my own moral compass headed straight and true!

  5. <3

    When I first started out, my blog was going to be Priest specific but then I realised that my brain just doesn't work like that. I love feeling that I can write whatever I want, whether it's about PvP, screenshots or the guy I picked a fight with in Stormwind because he was being a jerk.

    We should make a watchdog sign, glances in Tome's direction :D

    1. I second that! And lol I was like erinys, I was supposed to be druid related and now I write whatever. I am going to ask Ancient and see if she's up to the challenge!

  6. Anonymous9.9.12

    What a great idea for a page. I was thinking that I must have missed this post until I saw the reference to Matticus below, which is how I found this in the first place. :P

    1. I hope I don't seem too puffed up to put my pixels in the pile of great ones like Matticus, but hey, someone's gotta take first watch! :)


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