Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 28, 29 and 30: 10, Gold, and Found

#wowscreenshotaday September

I love ya, Tycertank - these have been grand fun, but think I'm going to take October off. Here is my wrap-up of September:

Day 28: 10 o'clock

This is what happened at 10 o'clock: Destiny Sobers Up

Day 29: Gold

I am not sure how the RNGs know -- what kind of sorcery is this? Similar to spending around $146 every time you step into a Target, or Grandma Nona KNOWS about the sex of an unborn child (seriously - listen to the first portion of This American Life: uncanny!!) Blizzard KNOWS just when to lift my spirits:

I was looking at the sad state of affairs in the guild bank:

Then I looked in my barrel from my 1,429th Brewfest run:

WHAT?! For ME?! Thank you RNGS!
Better than gold! Brewfest Kodo

Day 29 theme song:

Day 30: Found

Perusing through links this morning, I came across this:

Why do knights fight snails in illuminated manuscripts?
British Illuminated Manuscript Blog: Fascinating Reading
and it immediately made me think of the snails in Forgotten Depths

Found: Obscure Reference to Mediaeval Basis For In-Game Evil

But if you want to read the true story:


  1. Anonymous29.9.13

    I must say you're looking fine on that Kodo and OMG I forgot Brewfest. I must let my level 7 Dwarf Paladin out to at least have a look around as she's right there in Ironforge hording all the Timeless gear.

  2. Anonymous29.9.13

    Ooh, congrats on the mount!

  3. Thanks Ladies! Kind of made up for the fact I just spent about three hours in an LFR for 33 gold, net sum: -399 total with repair bills...



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