Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 5: Here forever

#wowscreenshotaday: September

Queen Tiffin Ellerian

Consider yourself foreshadowed. (Is that a word?)

In Stormwind Cemetery, guarded by two Stormwind guards who consider themselves the luckiest bastards/bastardette ever to pull guard duty, lies the fallen queen. Look. I know. I KNOW. I feel cheap falling for a plot trope such as the "dead wife/girlfriend" thing.  But as I have always believed, it is up to us writers to fill in the back-stories that might otherwise go unnoticed.

To honor "Here Forever," there are several haunting memorials in Azeroth. These are just a few:

Perhaps all of us, upon leaving Azeroth for eternity, should consider our own virtual funerals. Hum...just gave myself another idea.


  1. If I could have what I want for my real life end it would be this:

    I'm pretty sure the county would be a big spoilsport and have some stupid rule against burning me in the backyard.

    And I didn't know about some of those, I think I feel a road trip coming!

  2. I want my ashes thrown into Loch Ness - I even wrote a story about what might happen if they were :p

    In game I'm not so sure. Think I'd rather have a ghost floating about than a grave. Although if it was a grave or nothing, it would be in the wetlands.


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