Sunday, November 10, 2013

Chronicles of the Glovebox Gnome: Writers rock.

A 'proper post' (if I ever get around to it) is not quite possible now - well it is, but let's just say I'm too lazy. No, not lazy, never lazy: technology is giving me some fits and there is some packing to do. But if I don't capture some of this feeling of "I could have danced all night" then the moment will slip away.  Navimie did a great write-up of Blizzcon - just as she regales us with her stories of raiding, her writer voice captures the excitement of what it's like to actually be there, boots on the ground, and I'm not sure there isn't a soul she didn't meet. 

But I...I....

Damn - first let me say I'm sorry I didn't get to meet Jeni of Escapist Scrawl, Hasteur, or Zerena Hoofs. And I know there are others whom I'm going to say "Sh*T!" when I realize I didn't get a chance to meet them. Arv, just glad you were hanging with Navi cause I was being such a dork.

But - (and I don't know what happened to my photos on my camera and am trying desperately not to panic...cause you know, if there ain't no screenshot, it didn't happen.)

...I did meet: (and the understatement does not begin to express my joy)

Matticus: nice guy
Lisa Poisso: a writer I've long admired and really appreciated talking to
Elizabeth Harper --awesome WoW Insider writer - so incredibly warm and gracious
Fimlys of Twisted Nether (who said maybe I could get a spot, but we'd talk about Navi - lol! See Navi, no one cares about random Draenei shamans, everyone wants to know about Navi!)
Apple Cider Mage: ACM- you rock. Simple as that.

And getting a chance to know my GM/RL Logtar better was great: he is truly a wonderful man, and feel so lucky to have landed in that guild: credit goes to you, Turk. Log: now go update that blog. 

Looking at this - you see what my focus was, of course? WRITERS. Meeting these folks inspired me, and well, damn. 

Damn, that was cool. So cool...witness this moment: I'm kind of speechless.

Now staying at my in-laws' place about 40 minutes away meant doing the 'normal' Blizzcon things, like hanging out in hotel lobbies, etc. was not meant to be. That was the downside. The upside is we went out for Mexican food and got to drink beer and then soak in the hot tub (yes, I fell asleep. No, I did not drown. I am not writing this from a watery grave. I can sleep in hot water. Just one of my many talents.) So now I'm ready to hit the road again, praying I didn't catch my sister's-in-law cold. I'm packing up a lot more than dirty laundry and souvenirs: I got my wishes granted, and that's all I wanted. 

PS Navimie: next time I'm putting a bell on you. 


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome time! So glad to read it :D

    1. It was great to meet those writers: what I really wanted. Look forward to our next OLRG!

  2. Anonymous10.11.13

    Sounds like a great time! May you have a swift return journey to Washington!

    1. Should be home by I told Plaid, I'm looking forward to the next OLRG!

  3. Anonymous10.11.13

    Good to read you had a great time, getting to meet at least some of the people you wanted to. Have a safe trip back home and a RL pic, yay!

    1. Thanks Cymre! Figured with all the photos I took, might as well try to have some control of was really fun, and nice to meet the real folks behind the toons!

  4. Navi's posts are not the only ones that resonate with the excitement felt by the writer! Reflecting about a great meetup is kinda like enjoying a good soak in a hot tub.

  5. It was really awesome: trying to figure out a good way to bring up this "real world" experience with those in my care. With Lisa Poisso, we talked about children, teenagers, Drama Mamas, with Elizabeth, her role as editor in the past and current writing gigs, with Apple Cider, a grand discussion on feminism, sexuality, patriarchal blah-de-blah, and she was very respectful of my 'elder sage' status. I mean: DAMN. That was truly worth the price of admission right there.

  6. Hey. We'd talk about YOU on TNB if you were on because that's the idea. Stories about Navi are just icing :) It was great meeting you this weekend! Hope to get to see you next time too.

    1. LOL! That cracked me up! Hey, Navimie cast a long and beautiful shadow! To be fair, any conversation about WoW, blogging, and writing projects would have to include her and Tome. That would be wonderful, and hope you can find time for me in schedule. You and your team do a fantastic job, and it was lovely to meet you! Hope you had a chance to celebrate your anniversary!


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