Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sprite Delight...

Pleading for Taikuutta to win. Or a Gulp Froglet.

My buddy Turk had an extra Sprite the other day, and I had plans on devoting a poem to its way of just, well….making me happy. However, in the meantime, Cymre has a contest for one of her sprites she was cheerfully granted by the RNGs, and I noticed my buddy Taikuutta has several genres of poems represented! Haikus, acrostic, couplets, and hey, what's this? A LIMERICK!?

This Frolicker is not from NantucketIt will kick someone’s butt, not the bucket
In pet battles it will bring pain
And reduce its foes to a stain
But if it loses too much you just pluck it!

I wish I had an extra one to give him, these little poems are so good. But alas, I am a charity  case when it comes to pets. Wishing you luck, Taik - you have some stiff competition!


  1. Anonymous13.11.13

    I don't know why I've had so many drops from it. I just wish some of my luck from that would spill into the other 14 drops I need from the place =/

    1. No joke! Why does that happen that way!?

  2. Anonymous13.11.13

    I just ... how in the world did you find a picture of a praying Gulp Frog, just how, lol.

    1. I have no idea what kind of sorcery they used to pose the frog in this fashion--well--perhaps we don't want to know. Magic! Yeah! That's it!

  3. Anonymous13.11.13

    Hey Matty! Thanks for the props! All this attention is gonna go to my head. I'm glad you like the limerick, in fact your appreciation has inspired me to continue. Check out Cymre's blog for my most recent addition. I had a blast putting that together and really has me going now. Thanks again for your support, it really means a lot!

    1. I deleted the extra comment, AND you are very welcome!! Your poems are so much fun! Now I just want to get one for you as a prize, but alas, we all know how sh*tty my RNG luck is! lol

  4. Anonymous13.11.13

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  5. My pet drop RNG has been all over the place. I got a gooey shaling no problem. But couldn't get a Dandelion Frolicker despite numerous attempts. I finally gave up and bought one...

    1. We should start a "pet coop" and share when we get extras!


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