The other night, I dragged my poor shaman out of the cupboard to see if, by chance, just a whim, slim at best, I could get another ax or fist weapon for the best specialization of all, ever: the enhancement shaman. My DPS/Damage was sub-par compared to everyone else, and we hit the enrage timer on the twins. (Footnote: I like those twins. I do. When the blue one says, "Are they gone?" my heart melts. I know there was a fuss and all, but...) The blame started pouring out like Ragnaro's fire. I apologized for my DPS, but that I had been unlucky when it came to weapons, and was still using a blue. A little warlock spoke up and said his luck as been equally poor. The DK tank, Juggleballs or Judgeyournutz or something, said "Then you should play better."
Yes, I guess he's right. I should play better.
I should play better by going to play with my stories. I should play with my weeds. I should go play with scrubbing a few toilets around the Matty-shack, cause heaven knows they need it. I should play better and prepare more entertaining and engaging things for my job. I should play better at a whole lot of things. I should play at going for a walk or doing yoga or trying to learn how to make tamales.
Anyway, I am looking forward to 5.3. Big time. Neri Approves posted this link and sometime today I'll read a few more patch notes. I love the fact that I heard I can queue as a healer but choose to get enhancement weapons. But before I get too excited, I am not going to assume too much. Let's hope that all the hype is true, and no one ends up with a black eye. Except that orc. He had it comin'.
Because I occasionally sleepwalk, I tripped over the chair in our bedroom and woke up after having done a face plant on a piece of furniture. I had two black eyes and a puncture under one. My poor husband got THESE LOOKS everywhere we went, poor guy.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to 5.3 too, maybe it will knock me out of this lethargy I've been feeling lately. One can only hope!
You probably wanted to put a sign around your neck that said "I am fine!" I really should go read patch notes other than gear drops. Been too single focused lately.
DeleteWhat a pompous Dk :( Always annoying when you come across people that make glib throwaway lines that have nothing to do with the facts in front of them. But no, just no, stay away from the toilets, they don't need your attention (at least that's what I tell myself when I'm trying to avoid housework).
ReplyDeleteYay for 5.3 the new content looks really exciting.
He was an ass, but trying to keep those smug comments in their place. I think I saw a murloc climb out of my potty today; need a plunger staff! Maybe one will drop this patch...
DeleteWhat an ass. Not your eye. That DK. I also look forward to queueing as a healer and getting tanking stuff. After my disastrous tanking in LFR I am too scared to do it again.
ReplyDeleteThat may be the singular thing for me--not that it will increase my drop chances, which have been pretty crappy, but just to give me options/choices on what and how I want to play. I tried one last time to get a fist weapon yesterday, and got my fifth or twenty-fifth set of leggings and a ring, but still no weapon. What I am afraid of (man, why can I always find the down side?) is that people will queue as healer and we'll have a shortage of DPS. Tanks are at a premium, and it's easy to understand why. Even tanks who know what they're doing, as I know you do, get short-shrift. These instances take practice--no amount of videos or dungeon journals is going to change that. My poor paladin has been so neglected. I tried once to tank with a previous guild and I guess because I didn't do it to perfection I never got another chance. Sheesh, imagine if all of the world was like this? The only things that should be treated like this are surgeons and astronauts, and even they make mistakes. Now I am l thinking about my RTMT....thanks Navi!
DeleteHe does sound like an asshat and your 'staged' eye looks painful. Kind of reminds me of the time I slipped then bounced down the remaining wooden (but carpeted) stairwell at my brothers last year. Now that was painful! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
ReplyDeleteThe only pain that fake black eye caused me was upsetting children; I would hate to suffer anything that would cause a real injury like that...at least if my day job doesn't work out I could get a job as a make up artist