Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gaming hurts...

This morning I had my right foot tucked under my legs, and didn't realize it had gone completely numb; when I stood up my whole foot had gone to sleep to such a level I rolled my foot/ankle. It didn't hurt too much at first, but now it's really throbbing.

Besides confessing a really stupid thing to do, I am curious: is there anything you've done while gaming that has hurt you physically? (Hobbles off for an ice pack and glass of wine...)

Theme song: Nazareth/Love Hurts

*one of my favorite songs - heaven help me


  1. Anonymous17.2.13

    I still have a habit of sitting on my feet as well when I play, it can be really painful. Not painful enough to stop I guess.

    I refer to my recent "flying across the room" incident when duel taming and working in WMV recently...

  2. Anonymous17.2.13

    Hope the ice pack and wine do the trick :)

    1. Beginning to believe that is what might cure everything, that and Neosporin. If they don't have that in Australia, they should. That stuff is amazing.

  3. I've done exactly this too many times and still haven't learned my lesson. Only other thing was dropping my mouse and bending down to retrieve it but raising my head UNDER the desk. Hopefully it knocked some sense into me but I doubt it, lol.

    1. Gaming is an extreme sport! Bonk! OUCH!

  4. I've pvped with a nose gushing with blood before, ruined a favourite top too :(

    Hope your foot feels better quickly.

    1. Erinys, it does, thank you. But now I'm concerned for your dry cleaning bill!

  5. Ouch pins and needle feet! Hope it recovered well. I have hurt myself once but it was more to do with wow blogs than game. I think it was reading Ancient and she had some scary picture.


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