Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Big Blue

In my excitement, I accidentally abandoned my plan to level my Horde DK Kellanyx to 90 when the boost showed up--I hit the Account #1 button by mistake, instead of Account #2. Now, I could have been patient, started a new DK on Dentarg and leveled it to 60 to get the professions, or I could just hit the BUTTON NOW- MUST must MUST puSh BuTToNs!

So here she is, in all her monk glory (mustache not included):

Her gear is already being replaced with Timeless and other goodies, and she is a ball of fun. You had better believe I would love to stay home today (instead of going to an all-day meeting) and get her all spiffied up. For some reason, instead of feeling like some may have thought, that this is cheating, I have renewed energy again for play. There was something about not going through that leveling process for the umpteenth time that gave me an Azerothian equivalent of a vitamin B shot. But off to work I must: I will be accepting any advice on monk healing you'd like to offer/thanks


  1. A Draenei! Are you building an army of Draenei to take on those Warlords? She's lovely and I can't wait to get my vitamin B shot, must get leveling!

    1. Oh Tome, don't give away my military strats! LOL That cracked me up! She is lots of fun but yes, I don't know the first thing about monk healing - well, not true, I know the first 66/90 things!

  2. I think that Draynee and Matty have a draenei fetish! Though I don't blamethem - if I wasn't Tauren and I was alliance, I would be draenei too - though the fact they have no druids is a problem!

    1. Well we need some Draenei to combat all the Garrosh's of the World…it's got to be the tails…sure, that's it! Druids are awesome, that's for sure - :)


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