Ah, Random Tuesday Morning Thought. Finally! It's a real, honest-to-goodness update morning. Maybe, just maybe, those mommy and daddy dragons got bizzzz-ayy and made some baby scourged whelpings for me to take home and love them and squeeze them and name them George. I have a kind-of-sort-of a day off today - lots of things to do and scheduled, but for the time being, this time to just peruse and meander, and get a few posts written is glorious. Here is my first offering: it is completely lifted off of the article from which I found it, but it is so exquisitely written, I didn't want to change a single word, not for all the Pålegg in the world.
*this entire post is directly from this article by Haley Sweetland Edwards
1. Shemomedjamo (Georgian)
You know when you're really full, but your meal is just so delicious, you can't stop eating it? The Georgians feel your pain. This word means, "I accidentally ate the whole thing."
You know when you're really full, but your meal is just so delicious, you can't stop eating it? The Georgians feel your pain. This word means, "I accidentally ate the whole thing."
2. Pelinti (Buli, Ghana)
Your friend bites into a piece of piping hot pizza, then opens his mouth and sort of tilts his head around while making an "aaaarrrahh" noise. The Ghanaians have a word for that. More specifically, it means "to move hot food around in your mouth."
Your friend bites into a piece of piping hot pizza, then opens his mouth and sort of tilts his head around while making an "aaaarrrahh" noise. The Ghanaians have a word for that. More specifically, it means "to move hot food around in your mouth."
3. Layogenic (Tagalog)
Remember in Clueless when Cher describes someone as "a full-on Monet... from far away, it's OK, but up close it's a big old mess"? That's exactly what this word means.
Remember in Clueless when Cher describes someone as "a full-on Monet... from far away, it's OK, but up close it's a big old mess"? That's exactly what this word means.
4. Rhwe (Tsonga, South Africa)
College kids, relax. There's actually a word for "to sleep on the floor without a mat, while drunk and naked."
College kids, relax. There's actually a word for "to sleep on the floor without a mat, while drunk and naked."
5. Zeg (Georgian)
It means "the day after tomorrow." Seriously, why don't we have a word for that in English?
It means "the day after tomorrow." Seriously, why don't we have a word for that in English?
6. Pålegg (Norweigian)
Sandwich Artists unite! The Norwegians have a non-specific descriptor for anything — ham, cheese, jam, Nutella, mustard, herring, pickles, Doritos, you name it — you might consider putting into a sandwich.
Sandwich Artists unite! The Norwegians have a non-specific descriptor for anything — ham, cheese, jam, Nutella, mustard, herring, pickles, Doritos, you name it — you might consider putting into a sandwich.
7. Lagom (Swedish)
Maybe Goldilocks was Swedish? This slippery little word is hard to define, but means something like, "Not too much, and not too little, but juuuuust right."
Maybe Goldilocks was Swedish? This slippery little word is hard to define, but means something like, "Not too much, and not too little, but juuuuust right."
8. Tartle (Scots)
The nearly onomatopoeic word for that panicky hesitation just before you have to introduce someone whose name you can't quite remember.
The nearly onomatopoeic word for that panicky hesitation just before you have to introduce someone whose name you can't quite remember.
9. Koi No Yokan (Japanese)
The sense upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love.
The sense upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love.
10. Mamihlapinatapai (Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego)
This word captures that special look shared between two people, when both are wishing that the other would do something that they both want, but neither want to do.
This word captures that special look shared between two people, when both are wishing that the other would do something that they both want, but neither want to do.
11. Fremdschämen (German); Myötähäpeä (Finnish)
The kinder, gentler cousins of Schadenfreude, both these words mean something akin to "vicarious embarrassment." Or, in other words, that-feeling-you-get-when-you-watch-Meet the Parents.
The kinder, gentler cousins of Schadenfreude, both these words mean something akin to "vicarious embarrassment." Or, in other words, that-feeling-you-get-when-you-watch-Meet the Parents.
12. Cafune (Brazilian Portuguese)Leave it to the Brazilians to come up with a word for "tenderly running your fingers through your lover's hair."
13. Greng-jai (Thai)That feeling you get when you don't want someone to do something for you because it would be a pain for them.
14. Kaelling (Danish)You know that woman who stands on her doorstep (or in line at the supermarket, or at the park, or in a restaurant) cursing at her children? The Danes know her, too.
I think I the sense of koi no yokan when I met that shaman for the first few levels. It's been love ever since.
PS This is kind of cool: http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/01/13/what-are-your-favorite-wow-blogs-lets-see-them-all/
PS This is kind of cool: http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/01/13/what-are-your-favorite-wow-blogs-lets-see-them-all/
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