Sunday, June 17, 2012

On target....

Señor inspired me to get Haanta out of hiding, and that little hunter girl has been having fun. Before making dinner, and not being able to go to Firelands due to previous obligations, took a few minutes and ran through Sunwell, and she picked up this:

Man-oh-man, those runs are fun.

Now--I want to find a First Mate's Hat - does anyone know where I can get one?


  1. Grats, that bow is so pretty!

    1. And it goes "twang pew pew!"

  2. It's beautiful! Now that I can see. A glass of wine was probably a mistake because for most of Sunwell chat became so blurry I couldn't read it. I have no idea if you were serving dirty martinis or not after Haanta got her bow!

    1. No martinis, but did have one tiny shot of Chamuca tequila. Seemed fitting!

  3. Anonymous18.6.12

    Yeah...have fun with the hat. It has a less than 0.1% chance of dropping from a Bloodsail Buccaneer.

    The bow does look good. It actually seems to fit her better than it would Liouxpold (who's a crossbow fellow for the most part just the same). This is why it pays to give in (even briefly) to my hounding when it comes to Laid Back Raids, lol.

    1. And you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

    2. Anonymous19.6.12

      Come to think of it, in its most literal meaning...I suppose I am.

  4. Never tell me the odds, kid.

    Momo was leveling her herbalism, and knock a few pirate hats off, but yeah--it gave me flashbacks of when Mataoka became a Bloodsail Admiral, and then had to work with rivers of blood and tears to earn her way back in the good graces of the goblins. Invoking Parlay is one of my favorite posts, so my dear friend may just have to go roust pirates on his own.


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