Sunday, June 3, 2012

Word for a paladin...

Saw this a few days ago from Visual Thesaurus:

How perfect is that?! Palliative! Lupe is definitely something that is a "remedy that alleviates pain without curing!"


  1. But Matty, palliative has a cancer and terminal sound to it...

  2. Though! Pallyative would be an AWESOME paladin name. Ninjaing!!!

    1. Go for it! I didn't necessarily think of terminal diseases as much as pain management, which is exactly what paladins do--they take it on to allow others to do their jobs! Especially that word "mitigory," --how many times have I read that on Sacred Duty's blog?

      And for a small fee you can subscribe to Visual Thesaurus and get a word of the day and other great articles on writing, thinking, etc. I love it!

  3. Geez, I'm all caught up and then you guys post away all night while I'm asleep!

    That is so perfect, exactly what a Paladin is, and thank you I didn't even know there was a Visual Thesaurus, I can see hours spent there!

    1. Today's word is "discalceate," which is a fancy word for barefoot! I wish I could spend all day discalceated!


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